Friday, February 22, 2008

Buenas Noches y Buena Suerte

**This is a post that I started in Seattle right after Brian left and I'm finishing now**

He's off and running. Now that you all know Brian is officially out of the United States, I feel it's time for me to give the preamble to his February 22nd post. In short, this post details "Brian Tracy: Packing and Un-packing".

Brian is a planner. I know this because he has been planning (verbally) what to take on this adventure for the past month. "Kim, I think I'm going to bring the grey fleece. Do you think I should bring the grey fleece. It's really warm and could be great in the mountains and I like to use it as a pillow". An hour later: "I'm not going to bring the grey fleece. Should I bring the grey fleece?" And so on and so forth it went until the night before he left when I called him to see how excited he was and he says, "I'm bringing the grey fleece."

Brian has made us prepared for absolutely anything, which is nothing to complain about. We could get left in the Andeas for three months and Brian and I would be prepared to hunt and gather our own food, make shelter, purify water and shield ourselves from all kinds of nasty bugs. It would be marvellous.

Now, as a disclaimer, I feel comfortable poking a little fun at Brian solely because he should be poking fun at me for all the opposite reasons. This became apparent very quickly after my arrival in Lima. As I walked out of the costums area to meet up with Brian (who arranged a taxi driver and a hotel and an exact spot to meet him a week in advance), I realized that I had only packed one pair of pants (jeans, which I was wearing), one pair of shorts, too many tank tops and not enough t-shirts. Oh well. I think it makes us just that much better of a team.

So, these days, as Brian and I ready ourselves for the day (me in the same shorts I've been wearing for almost a week now), we both grab our purses (Brian bought a man bag in Bolivia - it's actually really cool) and head out to face the world. Team USA. Yin and Yang. Calm and Chaos. It's gonna be good.


Rich said...

Kim: Although I know Brian prides himself on "packing light", I could have told you that he would have taken the "grey fleece" because he hasn't gone anywhere without it for years. You're talking about the Patagonia one that is equally good backpacking in the mountains and wearing fashionably in fine dining establishments (and, yes, also serves as an adustable pillow). I don't think we ever told you about how attached Brian was to his "cuddle bunny" from age 0 to 4...he couldn't go to sleep without it. I think he has transferred his attachment and the grey fleece is his cuddle bunny...he will keep it and take it until it is in tatters...and that may be a long time because it is a durable Patagonia garment that will remain cuddly perhaps for a lifetime.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh you guys, what an array of adventures you've had already!! All I could think about when looking at the picture of big legs of meat and how you, Brian wanted to finish it (in an effort to be polite) was what a far cry this is from whole grain foods, beans and power bars! If a bug doesn't get your tummy going, that looked like it would!! I'm really glad I finally figured out how to comment in the blog. It is hard to teach old dogs new tricks!!!
I am enthralled with all you guys have done so far and love the pictures and commentary. This is what computers are good for!!! I love to know what you're doing and be able to see you both in your surrounds. I trust you will make a good decision about moving or not, maybe you have already! And I hope you are both feeling better, it's hard to do much of anything when you don't feel well..... I loved your "packing and unpacking" story Kim!! I'm familiar with both cuddle bunny and the gray fleece, so it all just makes me smile :)
Love you guys!!