Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kim and Brian's Wedding Olympics!

You are invited to participate in Kim and Brian's Wedding Olympics

When: Saturday August 7th at 12:00
Where: The Resort at the Mountain
Why: To continue the celebration of Kim and Brian's wedding!

Since so many people will be traveling far distances to see Kim and Brian, this is just an excuse to spend more time with them! Please do not be scared away by the word "Olympics" - there are events for everyone or at least beer!  If you are going to be at the Resort on Saturday please plan on participating in the Olympics!  All you need to do is go to the following link and answer 2 simple questions (name and t-shirt size) by July 10th!

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me at

Thank you
Your Olympic coordinator Laura Tracy (future sister-in-law to Kim Bennett)


Anonymous said...

hey, i just commented on your most recent post asking about the resort at the mountain. i think i'm falling in love with your wedding: wedding Olympics - what an awesome idea!! what type of games did you play?? were older and younger people able to join in? did you hold it at the resort? sorry if i'm asking too much, i just love that idea! thanks again! bridget murphy

Unknown said...

Quite a unique wedding share! My sister in law planned her friend's bridal shower as a fashion show eve at Seattle Wedding venues few days back. Really enjoyed by all and best was the cake design and cookies ordered from reputed places. Loved the amazing buffet of food arranged there.