Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sleeping while we can get it.

It was sad leaving Trujillo. I cried. There are so many good memories. I´m missing strange, everyday things:

· Eugenia´s home cooking
· The combi drivers who took me to Huanchaquito every day: ¨La A, la A. HuanCHAgo! HuanCHAgo! Vas? Sube, sube, sube. Spera, spera, spera. DaLE!¨ That was the money collector´s way of communicating with the driver. ¨Dale¨ means give it, or hit it so the driver knows when he can start again. I think I´ll bring that term to the Lake to tell Dad or Uncle Bill to start driving the boat while waterskiing...
· I miss lots of the things my students used to say, like Fiorela´s counting: ¨Uno, dos, tres, cuatro... cINco... dos?¨ or Angel after I gave him his midday snack, ¨Plofesola! Glacias¨ or Diego´s singing when he got too antsy in his seat.

At the same time, it was awesome to arrive in Huaraz with friends to welcome us. One hike down (see Brian´s previous post) and we have a 4 day hike coming up tomorrow. I don´t think I´ve every even camped for more than 4 days... but I´m starting to like this whole hiking thing. We´re even thinking of heading up to some snowy areas.

It´s beautiful here. We have about 8 more days, and then LAURA COMES! This trip is going to be awesome!

To be continued.......


Rich said...

Kim: You look to be quite at home,sleeping ever so peacefully and missing what looks like gorgeous scenery out the window of the bus (combi?). Watch out..."this whole hiking thing" can get in your blood...before you know it you'll be infected and you won't be able to sit still or ever stop moving and exploring...of course the beauty of such places as Cherup make the hiking even more rewarding (and can even inspire some impassioned poetry!).

Lizzie said...

I'm so happy I'm related to you. You're kind of the hottest person I know.