Thursday, June 12, 2008

Laura´s 15 observations of South America

15. Everything is extremely cheap
14. I am tall
13. Brian´s purse is cuter than mine
12. It´s cold, but you still get tan (or burned)
11. I cannot breathe in high altitude (or I´m out of shape)
10. Getting from one place to another in a van with less than 12 people in it, is impossible
9. I don´t remember any spanish and would be lost without Kim (and Brian too)
8. The sunset is BEAUTIFUL
7. People wear blankets instead of coats
6. Anything you need can be bought on the street
5. I like coca tea
4. There is really a place called Copacabana (it´s not just in the song Kim keeps singing)
3. Llamas are real
2. It´s ok not to shower every day (especially when its cold)
1. I have the best brother ever!

Laura (If you come and visit you get to write your own blog too!)


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
We love your blog entry!! Can't wait to hear about your trip. See you soon.
Love you,
Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

I love when I get to laugh outloud at work!!! So, I think you should steal Brian's purse if it's cuter than your's and remember Laura, when you come home we want you to shower every day!! ....and Laura you do have the best brother ever, but then so do I!!! (two actually).
Kim, I keep singing that song too and in fact commented on it previously. Do you think we are singing the same song??

Anonymous said...

I think we are, AA. I finally got that song out of my head once we left Lake Titicaca, but now with the new comments, it`s stuck in my head again!!! It`s been either that or the Sound of Music since Laura told me she always sings that to herself when she`s hiking. Here`s one to change the tune in your head: "The HILLS are aliiiiiiive... with the sound... of music (la lalala)!"

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim! I love that you are singing "Copacabana." I didn't know it was a real city and not the New York club. The places you all are seeing are so beautiful! They are a mini vacation for my grad school clouded head. Take care. Colleen