Saturday, March 8, 2008

First Impressions Together

1. It's hot.
Really hot.
Everyone says it will get cooler in March... but I don't think that they realize it already is March.

2. Fans are the greatest invention ever.

3. Cars have a million reasons to honk. And by cars, we mean taxis. There are more taxis here than there are people. It has to be somewhere around the same ratio as the number of sheep to number of people in New Zealand. You have regular taxis, you have collectivos where they'll squeeze anywhere from 5 to 10 people into a normal car; you have combis - a van; and you have micros which is a bus that supposedly runs on a schedule, but how you figure out what that is, I have no idea. Once they get to a check point, the driver's assistant sprints out of the bus while it's still moving and races to a little store where he gets a paper stamped which proves the bus made it there on time and then stops for a coca-cola, chats with his buddy and mozies back to the bus for us all to take off again. Each form of transportation has its own norms and etiquette.

4. Trujillo has good food, cheap shoes, and effective wizards - so said our taxi driver in Lima. We've loved the food (although Brian is suffering from it at the moment), the shoes really are cheap, but we've yet to try out a wizard's spell. Maybe I should see one about a cure for Brian's stomach...

5. Trujillo gets poorer from the inside out. The center of the city is beautifully structured: gorgeous and enormous churches, buildings of marigold and blue, and a statue in the center of the plaza that hails artistic value and hard work. As you work you way to the outskirts of the city, however luxuries and utilities begin to disappear. Houses go from concrete walls to adobe walls. Adobe to reed huts. As you work your way out, first goes water, then electricity, then means for an effective roof.

These are the areas where Brian and I will be working. We've seen so much already! Brian went with a group to find a new building to hold some classes that will start on Monday. They spent an entire day moving bricks out of the middle of the building and now I think they'll be ready to start classes. I've gotten to see a project in micro financing that is a pilot program in one of the areas and I was also able to tag along in signing up children to start school on Monday. We've been able to get a really good idea of what we will be doing for the next 3 months and can't wait to start teaching next week.

Okay, back to the list:

6. Surfing is awesome! We took our first surfing lesson yesterday. We had so much fun. We are living only 20 minutes and 30 cents away from the beach. We surfed until the sun set and my arms could no longer summon the strength to paddle. It was a beautiful day.

7. Guinnea pig is actually quite tasty.

Thanks so much to all of you who are posting comments. While it's more difficult to write back to you guys using this blogging program, it truly is great to hear from you. We think of all of you all the time and love hearing your thoughts. Thanks again!


Katie said...

throwin' tail spray yet?..

sounds good brian. stay away from the birds.



L.Tracy said...

Cheap shoes??? I think I would like this place! Haha. It sounds like you two are having an amazing time and I love reading the blog! Brian, sorry your're sick, hopefully you will just get that over with now and then be fine. Kim, I love how I can tell that you wrote this blog as oppose to Brian, it has a little softer touch. Surfing? You will definitly have to teach me when I get there!

So, I'm at home this weekend working on this whole job thing and tonight we went to dinner with Uncle Bob....naturally mom and dad brought print outs of the blog for uncle bob to read and his response is....
1. there will be no goat at the Ritz
2. try and remember some english
3. don't lose your camera
Sinse we both know that uncle bob will not personally be writing on the blog I thought I would pass that message along. So glad to hear things are going well and i can't wait to see you in June!!!!

love, Laura

Rich said...

I'm glad to hear that you are "settled in", but I'm sorry that your stomach is "not doing so well". It is nice to know that Kim is there to take care of you if you're sick and you can do the same for her. I would suggest that you guys schedule when you get sick so you're not both down at the same time (who will take care of you then? Mom and I can't come down there). I have heard that getting used to the food can be an adjustment (guinea pig is tasty?) I love the about some more pictures?

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, glad you're together down there. Interesting to hear your comment on guinea pig becuase I was watching this travel channel show and they said the same thing. I didn't believe them, but if you,
Kimberly A. Bennett say it's a tasty treat, then I believe it. It was served on a stick like a that how you had it?Brian, I'll send healing vibes for a speedy recovery. I'd stay away from guinea pig for awhile, no matter how tasty. Remember the restorative properties of a single good cerveza. We're all with you in spirit..Brenda & Jode

Anonymous said...

Just say no to the guinea pig! Sounds like you are having a great time, minus the stomach issue. Love the pics, more please. Glad the EWB trip was a suscess.

Unknown said...

Hi Brian and Kim,
I've been reading your bloq and this is my test to see if my comments will post..... then I'll be verbose!!

Weisman said...

This is such a great blog. Makes me miss you both.

Do you like my barrage of comments on 3/24? I'm telling you... I've been missing out by staying away. Now I'm gorging myself. :) Not on guinea pig though. Just on words.

I expect that was understood.