Monday, March 24, 2008

Learning like it's my Job

Well... I guess learning kind of is my job right now. Learning and teaching. A pretty good combo.

So! For some new life lessons.

When surfing: if your wetsuit covers all the way down your arms, but not all the way down your legs, you must put sunscreen on the back of your legs!! Yes, when lying on your stomach on a board all day, that sun hits the back of you with quite a punch. Maybe the rest of you knew this already, but it's still important.

When hiking: just keep walking. Take however small of steps you need, sing an upbeat song to yourself - but slowly - and just keep putting one foot infront of the other. Dad: I know you've taught me this before, but as you can tell by the aftermath picture of me on our previous hike, the lesson was truly learned.

When at a cafe: if you're starving, still just start our with a reasonable amount of food. While everything may look amazing on the menu, it doesn't mean you can eat all of it.

When in a crowded bus of Quechua women: smile and try to blend in.

What a vacation we've had!! I'd say it's been a good mix of lazy, Seattle-style relaxation and hard-core outdoorsy climbing (for me anyway). When Brian and I aren't sipping delicious coffee (I can't stop talking about the coffee!) and eating delicious bagels, we head up to the mountains! Brian climbs around like a mountain goat in his ever durable and practical Mountain Khakis, and I follow along - slow but steady - in my ever-stylish, mud-caked Sevens jeans and Whizbang hat (thank you Annie!). Now some of you may think that it's a crime to hike around gigantic mountains and massive cow pies in designer jeans, but let me tell you - I could make a fortune! The most comfy walking pants I've ever known. Carharts: bring it on.


Anonymous said...

What have I told you your whole life--sunscreen. We come from fair-skinned northern people. Dad

Anonymous said...

I understand the comment "mountain goat". Rich, Laura and I have been dealing with Brian's hiking strategies for many years! Have a great time in Cuzco. Love, mom

Weisman said...

Haha! That's funny. :) I WORK at a company that sells running and walking shoes which I get for free-- and still go for walks around Greenlake in my cowboy boots. :) Work it out. :)

Wish I could try some of that coffee!!